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1st Blog and my first ever blog!

Interesting job - 1st ever blog. Welcome - is that a good start? Seeking counselling can be a bit like that. Where do you start? Who do you talk to? Where do I find a counsellor? Will I like them, will they like me? This sounds a bit like dating??

One thing useful to remember is simply to take that first step, whether it be looking at a counselling directory, reaching out to someone who has a poster in the Doctors or health care clinic. Getting familiar with the vast array of choice can be helpful. Ask yourself: "What sort of person am I looking for?" You might see a pleasant face only to find they don't deal with your concern or you see someone who does but you don't like the look of them. This is all totally normal. Or you find someone who ticks the important boxes but they don't live near you or they don't do zoom or their working hours don't fit yours. Making a short list can be useful in narrowing down the field.

There is no rush, unless you want to, in making contact. Maybe make a list of questions as sometimes mind blankness can strike. Remember there is no need to make a decision on the spot. It is ok to mull things over, it's ok not to make your mind up on the spot. You are allowed to think about if this counsellor is a good fit for your needs. Most importantly it is ok to change your mind. Often an introductory short session can help. Check their credentials if you are concerned about someone messing with your head (it happens!)

Counselling is so much about what you want and that can often be the hardest first step.

PS I accept full responsibility for all typo's. I am human.

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